

近年来,一大批普通中国人开始在海外社交媒体平台分享他们的日常生活和想法。他们或是在YouTube或Instagram平台上上传视频或图片,或是在Twitter 或者Facebook上与国外网民交流互动,内容基本围绕中国文化、中国艺术,以及新冠肺炎疫情等国际关注的全球问题。中国网民这种自发自觉的行为,代表了一种新的公共外交形式,有效地向全世界展示了一个真实、生动、多样的中国。


“Their efforts have made people feel that public diplomacy, based on people-to-people connections, is a new [style] of diplomacy that is more vigorous and humanistic than the traditional one, Steven Dong, professor and dean of the School of Government and Public Affairs under the Communication University of China, told the Global Times.”


The export of China's traditional culture is more likely to be accepted by foreign audiences, as the spread of some of the country's modern, contemporary things have been prevented and slandered by the West, Dong said. Under the current [political] siege by the West, it's not surprising that Chinese culture - which is glamorous enough in itself and transcends the political limits of the moment - has gained popularity overseas, he added.
